
Pose Bowl: Spacecraft Detection and Pose Estimation Challenge


Inspector spacecraft, like NASA’s Seeker, are designed to conduct low-cost in-space inspections of other ships. Inspector spacecraft have limited computing resources, but complex computing demands.

In this challenge, solvers will help NASA develop algorithms that could be run on inspector (chaser) spacecraft. There are two tracks, with different associated prizes. In the Detection Track, solvers develop object detection solutions that identify the boundaries of spacecraft in an image. In the Pose Estimation Track, solvers develop solutions that identify changes in the position and orientation (pose) of the chaser spacecraft camera across a sequence of images.

The competitions


Detection Track

Develop algorithms for use on inspector spacecraft that take and process photos of other ships. In the Detection Track, solutions will identify the boundaries of generic spacecraft in photos. #science

651 joined
$12,000 in prizes
may 2024
competition has ended

Pose Estimation Track

Develop algorithms for use on inspector spacecraft that take and process photos of other ships. In the Pose Estimation Track, solutions will identify the position and orientation of the spacecraft's camera across sequences of images. #science

414 joined
$28,000 in prizes
may 2024
competition has ended